About Our Willow, Dogwood, and Poplar Cuttings

About Our Willow, Dogwood, and Poplar Cuttings

Our annual willow cutting sale is from early January until we are sold out. To read more about our when our sales take place, and how they work, visit Annual Cutting and Scionwood Sales.  To be notified when our sale will start, check our website home page, use the back-in-stock reminder on each product page, or follow us on Facebook.

Typing our Willow Cuttings

All of the products we ship are grown from trees on our farm. We do not sell products that come from a third party. Our trees are named by using the source material name when we originally acquired it. We provide photos and videos of the foliage for you to confirm type through your own research. Unfortunately we can't provide genetic testing or an extended pedigree. If you have any questions about a specific product, please contact us.

Specific Cultivar Information

Other than a brief description, we don't go into detail on whether a plant will or will not survive in your location. There are just too many variables. We are maritime pacific northwest zone 8A. Our winter cold temperatures will occasionally dip into the low 20's. We have a heavy clay soil that lacks nutrients after years of being hayed.  The mother plants of all our cuttings survive unprotected outdoors here. Because we don't have any experience with these plants in other zones, we don't provide specific growing information for other locations.  Willow trees are very hardy but please use other resources to make a decision on what will work in your area.

How we harvest and store our cuttings and scionwood

All of our willow cuttings are harvested when they are dormant. Immediately after the harvest, we store them in a climate controlled cooler at 37F. Based on our experience, willow cuttings are still viable after up to 120 days in storage.

Some Specifics on our Willow Cuttings.

The majority of our willows are dormant by early December.

Willow cuttings will generally be at least 5/16" in diameter but some varieties such as Dwarf Arctic willow and the finer basketry types will be much narrower.

Our cuttings are first year wood at least eight inches long.

How we process your order

We only sell when we are ready to ship. We do not presale. When you order, we pull your sticks from our cooler or harvest directly from our field. We then pack your order in a cardboard box keep it in a cool location until we transport it to the Post Office. We only ship on Mondays (or Tuesdays if Monday is a holiday) to avoid having the plant material spend the weekend in the postal system. For more information on how we ship, see our shipping policies.