Varieties Not Available in 2025
Each year during our harvest, we evaluate the health of individual trees. Since pruning branches puts a lot of stress on our plants, we will sometimes skip harvest for the long-term health of the tree. We sometimes leave untouched 1) trees that grow slowly, 2) trees that were damaged by a hard winter, and 3) trees that didn't produce good diameter cuttings. Varieties that are not available this year will show the following banner on their product page:

We apologize to all of you who have been waiting for a specific variety and we are doing our best to improve the health of our trees and have them available for next year. If you have any questions about availability, please contact us. Below is a broad overview of why some varieties are unavailable in 2025.
Fig Cuttings - Many of our fig trees were impacted by the cold weather we experienced in January 2024. It forced us to not offer cuttings of some varieties and reduced the quantities we offer of others. We have plans to move all the figs under cover this year to improve growth.
Gooseberry Cuttings - The diameter of our gooseberry cuttings do not meet our standards. We will prune them all back this winter to encourage fewer and larger branches for pruning.
Mulberry Cuttings - The same cold spell that killed off a lot of our fig branches, also killed off several of our varieties of mulberry. While we lost several of our mulberry tree varieties, we learned a lot about the cold hardiness of our survivors. Here is a video on Mulberry Cold Hardiness where we share what we learned.
Willow - We have many new willow varieties that did not grow as quickly as we expected. We also have several slower-growing varieties that are being crowded out by adjacent vigorous, fast-growing varieties. We plan on addressing this by wider spacing and additional plantings.