Where to Buy Mulberry Tree Cuttings

Here at Dingdong's Garden we sell and ship mulberry tree cuttings. But we often sell out quickly and our cutting harvest season may not match when you are ready to propagate or graft. So we wanted to share with you some other sources for mulberry cuttings. These are vendors we have purchased from before and we have found them to be not only reliable but also a great source of information on propagating and growing mulberry trees from cuttings.


We currently sell over 300 varieties of cuttings including Mulberry, Fig, and Willow in the winter and summer along with fruit tree scionwood like Apple, Pear, and Plum for grafting in the winter. We currently have about 50 mulberry varieties available on our website.

We also have a YouTube Channel Playlist devoted to Mulberry trees including descriptions of specific varieties, how we propagate, and lots of other mulberry-related topics.

FruitTreeAddict on FigBid

Jan sells cuttings under the username FruitTreeAddict on FigBid.com. She is located in central Florida and has over 30 varieties of mulberry trees. She has a great selection of everbearings and big-leafed mulberry trees like Tice and Valdosta.

Jan also has a YouTube Channel that provides great information on not only Mulberries but also many other fruit trees. The mulberry videos on her channel cover topics like pruning, getting a second crop, and similarities and differences between varieties.


Reallygoodplants not only sells mulberry cuttings, but also cuttings of other interesting and unique fruit. The varieties offered can change from year to year so be sure to check the website for updates.

Reallygoodplants also has a fruit and gardening blog that is great for learning more. Lot's of high quality photos showing mulberry fruit, data on propagation success rates, along with information on other unusual fruits.


Peaceful Heritage Nursery is a small organic farm in Kentucky that has a good selection of mulberries that are relatively cold hardy. In addition to selling dormant mulberry cuttings, Peaceful Heritage also sells green cuttings in the summer.

And if you're looking for cutting and scionwood variety beyond mulberries, Peaceful Heritage has great variety including fig, persimmon, and pawpaw.

We hope this list will help you find the mulberry cuttings you are looking for when you need them. Thanks and good luck propagating!

How do I start growing my own mulberries?

Mulberry trees are inexpensive to grow from cuttings. Mulberry trees can be grown in pots and their size can be controlled by pruning. We have over 50 mulberry trees to choose from.  Here are a few...